Losing Weight through Meditation

Meditation can it help in losing weight?
Over the centuries  meditation has been used to aide in control of negative thinking, help to combat depression, relieve stress, assist with spiritual growth and create a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.Meditation can become a very useful tool in helping with weight loss by meditating we will begin to have more control over our thoughts and emotions, once we develop that kind of control we are less likely to use food as an emotional crutch. many of us are prune to over eating and so we tent to eat unhealthy foods to fill that empty space in our life. When we experience any type of loss,depression,stress or an unhappy felling, we may turn to all the unhealthy fatty foods to make us feel good.unfortunately all we do is to add more unneeded calories to our diets and afterward beat ourselves up with guilt. This is an automatic response to emotional eating that many does not recognize.

Daily meditation can help us to break the cycle of emotional eating by helping us to become more aware of our emotional, mental and physical conditions. Wherefore instead of reacting automatically to a though that pushes us to eat tons of unhealthy food, with the practice of meditation we can gain a greater awareness of our thoughts and emotions, then, we will be able to gain the ability to make conscious choices. when we are going through that mental dialogue that more often than not lead us to make the unhealthy choices, we will then learn to interrupt the process which gives us the ability to question our response, through meditation.

Control your emotion through meditation
Meditation has been used for hundreds of years for many purposes, such as. being in control of your emotions. It has been used as a tool for deepening spiritual connection with God, as a stress relief technique and relaxation, meditation has also been used as a way to increase your self awareness. It can be done almost any  where at any time in a quiet environment and best of all it is free! It is documented that meditation can help with stress related problems such as:
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • and pain control
Recent studies has also shown that meditation can also help with weight loss.

Meditation is a process, not an end to a mean. It may and can take a little while to achieve deeper levels os relaxation depending, but it is also likely that you will feel some immediate benefits. It will help your body and mind to relax,also helps to relieve anxiety and stress.

Visualization Exercise
We can also use visualization exercise along with meditation to help us curb our emotional and over eating problem. When we are not hungry but we find that we are always eating and its not even healthy foods then there is a problem, so we should practice  to avoid or tuning down these foods first in our minds, it's practicing to be aware that there is a problem and you are in full control. To be in full control you need to close your eyes and visualize in your mind the situation you are about to encounter. Begin to see yourself looking at the food that is tempting you and then decide that you are not going to indulge, because you are not hungry and it is not something that you would continue to put in your body which is God's temple. You need to see your self turning it down in your minds eyes and feel great about it,you might have already eaten but the food may look good, but, see yourself moving away from the temptation and engaging yourself in some other type of activity. Imagine just how great you are going to feel mentally, emotionally and physically. take a deep breathe open your eyes and let this empowering feelings stay with you.

What ever is your goals be it reduce stress, subdue negative thinking, lose weight connect intimately with God or  grow spiritually. You will find that, meditation is a wonderful practice that can benefit your life in many ways.

If you would like to learn more visit the christian meditator for more information on Christian meditation,and affirmation CD's that promote health, well being, spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God.

If you've lost your peace and joy, or want a deeper relationship with God!  Meditate your worries away by bringing every thought under the authority of Christ.In the book of Isaiah 26:3  it says Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee."